
A few great hostess gift ideas – a pottery bowl with handle from Function Pottery (Goshen, IN), Simmering Spices from Dell Cove Spice Co (Chicago, IL) and an all natural soy based Peppermint scented candle from Wax&Wane Candles (New York City, NY).

Venus+Vine ReFind Originals

We how Anita from ReFind Originals (Indianapolis, IN) is able to take re-purposed leather and turn it into buttery soft accessories. She makes, all by hand, large bags, clutches, headband, leather flowers and much more.

Venus+Vine Shopping Hendersweet Jewerly

Hendersweet is only one of our great jewelry makers. All items are completely made by Amy’s hands in Bloomington, IN.

Venus+Vine Pure GRACE Soap lotions and lip chaps

Pure GRACE Soap from Terre Haute, IN makes all natural bath and body care items by hand and in small batch. We are happy to be the only location carrying the full line of products.

Our wares changed quickly and with the season – what you see one day will be different next time you come to visit us.  We are constantly adding new lines of product but keeping a watchful eye on  on our basic premise of the shop which is to partner with small businesses and handmade makers.  We work very hard to bring items and artists not already available in this area to our customers.  A few of our current wares…